Donate to West Michigan Agroforestry Partnership

Donate to West Michigan Agroforestry Partnership

Partnering with the land, water, animals and each other to create regenerative agroforestry systems in West Michigan.

Your support is vital to our mission.

We believe large-scale agroforestry adoption requires 3 key components:

Your donation is an investment in our collective future, with healthier soils, cleaner water and sustainable economic development for West Michigan.

West Michigan Environmental Action Council is a 501c3, a member and fiduciary sponsor of the West Michigan Agroforestry Partnership. All donations to the through this site are tax deductible.

Agroforestry Demonstration Sites

Technical Training for Farmers + Agriculture Service Providers


Become a Donor in two ways

Your donations give WMAP the resources needed to fulfill our mission. Alone we can make minor change; with your help we can make an impact. Together let’s inspire action throughout our community.

Sustaining Donor

Becoming a sustaining donor is a powerful way to ensure our communities are protected for the long haul.

One-time Donor

One-time donations are the bring important resources to our organization as we work to create change. 

Any amount you choose is impactful for our organization, and these gifts give our the power to help protect the environment in West Michigan!